When Glaciers Melt 30" x 40" $2100 When the World Was Young, 14" x 18" $1125 Colt Island 18" x 24" $1000 Garden Pathways 20" x 24" $1100 Spring Thaw, 30" x 40" sold Morning Walk, 24" x 20" $1400 Lady Banks in Bloom 22" x 28" sold Wild and Windy Day 18" x 24" $1200 Coastal Path 18" x 24" $1200 Rocky Coast 16" x 16" sold Melting Glaciers 18" x 24" sold Portugal Vineyard 18" x 24" sold Amarante 24" x 18" n/a Garden Path - Early Morning 24" x 16" sold Early Morning 30" x 40" sold Crepe Myrtles in Bloom 30" x 40" $2000 The Ride Home 18" x 24" sold Spring Enters 24" x 36" $1800 Dogwood Tree 36" x 36" sold Ever the Road Goes On and On, 18"x 24     $1200 Salt Marsh 30" x 40" $2000 Plantation Pines 18" x 24"  sold Light and Shadows 24" x 18" $1200 Heading Towards Home 18" x 24" $1200 Along the Way 18" x 24" sold Early Spring Dance 30" x 40" sold Reaching High 30" x 40" sold Ancient Witness 30" x 40" $2000 Winter Shadows 30" x 40" sold Before the fall, 20" x 24 $1250 Reflective World 24' x 36" $2100 When Shadows are Long  30"x 40" $2000 Along the Cape Fear - 30" x 40" - Oil - $2000.00 Faye's Live Oak 30" x 40" sold Shallotte Point - 40 x 30 Not for sale White Deer Park Trail 30" x 40" n/a Tree View, 24" x 18" 1200 Life Within  24" x 36" sold Refusing to Give Up  24" x 36" sold Two Sides, 30" x 40" sold Where the Water Flows, 30" x 40" n/a Across the Creek 18" x 24"  $1200

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